Is it Safe to Travel to Egypt Right Now 2024? – Travel Advice

is it safe to travel to egypt right now ,2024 , travel advice

Are you dreaming of visiting the land of Pharaohs, ancient temples, and pyramids? Egypt has long been a popular travel destination for those seeking adventure, history, and culture. However, with recent events and safety concerns, you may be wondering: Is it safe to travel to Egypt in 2024?

We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help you understand the safety situation in Egypt and provide essential travel advice to ensure your trip is enjoyable and secure.

Despite recent events, Egypt remains a fascinating and unique travel destination that should not be missed. With careful planning and awareness, you can navigate the country safely and confidently.

Key Takeaways:

  • Egypt is a popular travel destination for those seeking adventure, history, and culture.
  • Recent events and safety concerns may leave travelers wondering if it is safe to travel to Egypt in 2024.
  • This guide will provide valuable travel advice to ensure your trip to Egypt is enjoyable and secure.
  • With careful planning and awareness, you can navigate Egypt safely and confidently.
  • Don’t miss out on the wonders of Egypt, a fascinating and unique travel destination.

Current Safety Situation in Egypt

Egypt is a fascinating and vibrant country that attracts millions of tourists every year. However, it is important to be aware of the current safety situation and travel advisories when planning your trip.

According to the UK government, there is a general threat of terrorism in Egypt, with the risk being higher in certain areas, including North Sinai and parts of South Sinai, the Nile Valley, and Cairo. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises against all but essential travel to these areas.

Area Safety Situation Travel Advisory
North Sinai High Risk of Terrorism Do not travel
South Sinai High Risk of Terrorism Avoid all but essential travel
Nile Valley and Cairo Heightened Risk of Terrorism Avoid all but essential travel

It is important to note that the situation in Egypt can change rapidly, and it is essential to stay up to date with the latest travel advisories from the FCDO.

Aside from the threat of terrorism, Egypt has a relatively low crime rate, and incidents of violent crime against tourists are rare. However, petty theft and pickpocketing can occur in busy tourist areas, so it is advisable to take precautions and keep a close eye on your belongings.

Overall, while there are certain areas of Egypt that are currently unsafe for travel, many popular tourist destinations such as Luxor, Aswan, and the Red Sea resorts are considered safe. It is important to take the necessary precautions and stay informed to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to Egypt.

Egypt flag and pyramid

Security Measures and Precautions

When traveling to Egypt, it is essential to be aware of the security measures and precautions taken to ensure your travel safety. Egypt has implemented several measures to protect visitors from potential security issues, including:

  • Increased police presence: There is an increased police presence throughout Cairo and other major cities. This has been particularly noticeable in tourist areas, such as Luxor and Aswan.
  • Security checkpoints: Security checkpoints are located at various locations throughout the country, including near tourist sites, hotels, and transportation hubs.
  • Bag searches: Bag searches are common at tourist attractions, including museums and historical sites. It is recommended to carry minimal valuables and avoid carrying large backpacks or bags.
  • Restrictions on photography: Photography is not allowed in some areas, particularly those with military installations or government buildings. It is important to follow any signage or instructions provided.

As a visitor, it is also important to take some necessary precautions to ensure your own safety:

  • Stay informed: Before traveling to Egypt, check for any travel advisories issued by relevant authorities and stay informed of any updates during your trip.
  • Travel in groups: Whenever possible, travel with a group or take organized tours.
  • Avoid demonstrations: Political demonstrations and protests can occur in Egypt. It is recommended to avoid these events and steer clear of large crowds.
  • Dress modestly: Egypt is a conservative country, and it is important to dress modestly, particularly in religious sites and public areas.
  • Respect local customs: Learn about local customs and etiquette, particularly when visiting religious sites. Always ask for permission before taking photographs of people, especially women.

By following these security measures and precautions, you can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Egypt.

Security Measures Egypt

Traveling to Tourist Areas in Egypt

When planning a trip to Egypt, exploring the country’s popular tourist destinations is a must. From ancient pyramids to bustling marketplaces, these areas offer a unique and unforgettable experience. However, it’s important to be aware of any safety concerns and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Safety Measures in Tourist Areas

The Egyptian government has implemented several safety measures in popular tourist areas to ensure the safety of visitors. These include increased security presence, surveillance cameras, and thorough bag checks at entrances. Additionally, tourist police are stationed in major tourist destinations to provide assistance and ensure the safety of visitors.

According to official statistics, tourist areas have a low crime rate and are generally considered safe. However, it’s important to remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded areas.

Specific Safety Concerns

While tourist areas in Egypt are generally safe, there are some specific safety concerns to be aware of. These include:

  • Pickpocketing and petty theft
  • Scams targeting tourists, such as unofficial tour guides or fake products
  • Traffic accidents, which can be common due to chaotic driving conditions

To avoid falling victim to these concerns, it’s important to take precautions such as keeping your valuables secure, only using licensed tour guides, and exercising caution when crossing the street.

Exploring Historical Sites and Landmarks

One of the most exciting aspects of travelling to Egypt is exploring its rich history through its many historical sites and landmarks. From the pyramids of Giza to the Valley of the Kings, Egypt is home to some of the world’s most iconic and awe-inspiring attractions.

When visiting these historical sites, it’s important to take necessary safety precautions. Wear comfortable and appropriate footwear, as many of the sites require a lot of walking and can be rocky or uneven. Be sure to stay hydrated and bring sunscreen and a hat, as the Egyptian sun can be extremely strong.

It’s also important to respect the historical significance of these sites, and to follow any rules or regulations set by the authorities. Avoid touching or damaging any artifacts, and be mindful of your surroundings at all times.

Historical Site Description Safety Precautions
Pyramids of Giza One of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, the pyramids of Giza are a must-visit attraction in Egypt. Wear comfortable shoes, avoid climbing on the pyramids, and be aware of potential pickpocketing.
Valley of the Kings A burial site for pharaohs and their consorts, the Valley of the Kings is home to many elaborately decorated tombs. Stay on designated paths, avoid touching any artifacts, and be aware of potential heat exhaustion.
Abu Simbel Carved into a mountainside, the Abu Simbel temples are a testament to ancient Egyptian engineering and artistic skill. Wear appropriate footwear, be aware of potential heat exhaustion, and follow any rules set by the authorities.

As with any tourist destination, it’s important to be aware of potential scams or dangers when exploring historical sites and landmarks. Be cautious of anyone offering guided tours or souvenirs, and only use trusted and reputable tour operators.

By taking necessary safety precautions and respecting the historical significance of these sites, you can fully immerse yourself in Egypt’s rich history and leave with unforgettable memories.

Historical Sites in Egypt

Safety in Transportation and Public Spaces

Travelling around Egypt can be an exciting and memorable experience for all visitors. However, it is important to take precautions to ensure your safety, particularly when using transportation or spending time in public spaces. Here are some useful travel tips:

Transportation Safety

When using public transportation in Egypt, it is essential to be cautious and aware of your surroundings. Some forms of public transportation, such as buses and trains, may not be as secure as others. If possible, opt for private transportation or use reputable public transportation companies.

Additionally, it is recommended to avoid travelling alone at night and to always keep your belongings close to you. Petty theft is common in Egypt, and bags and purses are particularly vulnerable in crowded public spaces like buses and trains. Always make sure your valuables are secured and out of reach of pickpockets.

Public Spaces

While Egypt is known for its bustling markets and vibrant street scenes, it is important to be cautious when navigating public spaces. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or wearing expensive jewellery.

It is also recommended to dress modestly when roaming the streets of Egypt, especially when visiting religious sites. Women should cover their shoulders and legs, and men should avoid wearing shorts.

Travel Tips

Here are some additional travel tips to ensure your safety:

  • Research your destination before travelling and stay informed of any current safety concerns or warnings.
  • Stay in reputable accommodations and avoid staying in areas that are known to be unsafe.
  • Use common sense and trust your instincts. If a situation feels unsafe, remove yourself from it immediately.

By following these safety measures and travel tips, you can have an enjoyable and secure trip while exploring all that Egypt has to offer.

Transportation Safety

Travel Advice for the Sinai Peninsula

If you’re planning on visiting the Sinai Peninsula, there are some important safety advice and travel restrictions to consider. Due to ongoing security concerns, the British government advises against all travel to the North Sinai Governorate, including the city of El Arish. There is also a risk of terrorist attacks or kidnappings in other areas of the peninsula.

If you do decide to travel to the Sinai Peninsula, it’s important to be aware of the specific safety advice and travel restrictions in place. These include:

  • Avoiding all travel to the North Sinai Governorate and the city of El Arish
  • Using only the main tourist areas and routes in the South Sinai Governorate, including Sharm El-Sheikh, Dahab, and Saint Catherine’s Monastery
  • Staying in secure accommodations and avoiding large crowds or public gatherings
  • Checking local news and travel advisories regularly and following the advice of local authorities

It’s also important to keep in mind the cultural and religious sensitivities of the local communities in the Sinai Peninsula. Visitors should respect local customs and dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites or areas.

Emergency Contacts

Make sure to have the contact information for your embassy or consulate in Egypt, as well as emergency contacts for local authorities and your travel insurance provider. In case of emergency, call 122 for ambulance, 123 for fire department, or 122 for police.

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

Traveling to Sharm El-Sheikh and Red Sea Resorts

If you’re looking for a luxurious holiday experience, Sharm El-Sheikh and the Red Sea resorts are the perfect destinations. With crystal clear waters, pristine beaches, and world-class diving sites, it’s no wonder that these destinations have become increasingly popular among tourists.

However, when traveling to these areas, it’s important to be aware of the safety measures in place to ensure a secure and stress-free experience.

Strict Security Measures

Sharm El-Sheikh and the Red Sea resorts are heavily guarded by security forces to prevent any potential threats. You can expect to see security checks and bag screenings at airports, hotels, and other public spaces.

Hotels in these areas also have strict security measures in place, including the use of x-ray machines, metal detectors, and CCTV surveillance.

Trusted Local Tour Operators

When planning activities such as diving, snorkeling, or desert safaris, it’s important to only book with trusted and reputable tour operators. Your hotel or resort can recommend trusted operators for your convenience and peace of mind.

Stay Within Designated Tourist Areas

While the Red Sea resorts are generally safe, it’s important to stay within designated tourist areas to avoid any potential safety concerns. Avoid wandering into unfamiliar areas alone or at night.

Check for Travel Advisories

Before traveling to Sharm El-Sheikh or any Red Sea resort, it’s important to check for any current travel advisories or restrictions. You can find up-to-date information on the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office website.

Sharm El-Sheikh and Red Sea Resorts

By following these safety measures and exercising caution, you can enjoy the stunning beauty and endless activities of Sharm El-Sheikh and the Red Sea resorts without any safety concerns.

Religious and Cultural Considerations

When visiting Egypt, it is essential to respect the religious and cultural sites you visit to ensure a fulfilling and respectful experience. Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, and it is crucial to be aware of local customs, traditions and etiquette.

Islamic Religious Sites

Islamic religious sites are significant in Egypt, and visitors should dress modestly and remove their shoes before entering mosques. Women should cover their heads and arms with full-length dresses or blouses and trousers. Men should wear long trousers and shirts with sleeves. Visitors should also avoid visiting mosques during times of prayer and be mindful of their surroundings.

Christian Religious Sites

Egypt has a rich Christian history, and many religious sites are open to visitors. Visitors should dress modestly and be respectful of their surroundings. Women should cover their heads and arms with full-length dresses or blouses and trousers. Men should wear long trousers and shirts with sleeves. Visitors should also avoid visiting churches during times of prayer and be mindful of their surroundings.

Local Customs

When visiting Egypt, it is essential to be aware of local customs and traditions. Egyptians are known for their hospitality and warmth, and it is customary to exchange pleasantries and greet people with a smile. Visitors should also be mindful of their body language and avoid showing the soles of their feet, as it is considered a sign of disrespect.

Egyptian Food and Beverages

Egyptian cuisine is diverse and delicious, but visitors should be cautious when trying new dishes. The tap water in Egypt is not safe to drink, and visitors should stick to bottled water and avoid ice cubes in drinks. Visitors should also be mindful of the hygiene levels of the restaurants they visit, and avoid street food that may not have been prepared to the highest standards.

Travel Insurance and Emergency Contacts

When planning a trip to Egypt, it is essential to ensure that you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers all your needs and activities. Travel insurance will provide you with financial protection against unexpected events such as medical emergencies, lost or stolen belongings, trip cancellations, and more.

Before purchasing travel insurance, consider the activities you will be doing and how much coverage you will need. For example, if you plan to participate in adventure sports or car rentals, you may require additional coverage.

In addition to travel insurance, it is crucial to have a list of emergency contacts with you at all times. These should include the contact details for your embassy or consulate, local emergency services, and your travel insurance provider.

Travel Insurance Providers

Here are some travel insurance providers that offer coverage for trips to Egypt:

Insurance Company Website
Post Office
Direct Line

It is also worth checking with your credit card provider whether they offer any travel insurance as part of their benefits package.

Emergency Contacts

Make sure you have the following emergency contacts saved in your phone and written down somewhere accessible:

  • Emergency services (police, ambulance, fire): 122 or 123
  • British Embassy in Cairo: +20 2 2791 6000
  • Consulate General in Alexandria: +20 3 546 7000
  • Local hospitals and clinics
  • Your travel insurance provider

Remember to keep your mobile phone charged and with you at all times, especially in the case of an emergency.

Travel Insurance and Emergency Contacts

Latest Travel Advice and Government Updates

If you’re planning a trip to Egypt in 2024, it’s essential to stay informed of the latest travel advice and government updates. The British government regularly releases information and travel warnings, which can help you make informed decisions about your travel plans.

As of October 2021, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advises against all travel to:

  • the Governorate of North Sinai,
  • the Governorate of South Sinai except for the area within the Sharm el Sheikh perimeter barrier, which includes the airport and the areas of Sharm el Maya, Hadaba, Naama Bay, Sharks Bay and Nabq; however, the FCDO advises against all but essential travel by air to or from Sharm el Sheikh.
  • the area west of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta regions, excluding the coastal areas between the Nile Delta and Marsa Matruh (as shown on the map).

The FCDO also advises against all but essential travel to:

  • the Governorate of Beni Suef,
  • the Governorate of Minya,
  • the Governorate of Asyut,
  • the Governorate of Sohag.

It’s vital to check for the latest updates as travel advice can change at any time. You can find the latest travel advice on the FCDO website.


So, is it safe to travel to Egypt in 2024? As we’ve discussed in this article, while there are ongoing security concerns in some areas, Egypt has implemented numerous measures to ensure the safety of tourists and travelers. By taking certain precautions, you can have a secure and enjoyable trip to this beautiful country.

If you’re considering a trip to Egypt, it’s important to stay informed with the latest travel advice and government updates. Check regularly for any travel warnings or restrictions before you go, and ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance that covers emergency situations.

When visiting Egypt, it’s also important to respect the local customs and religious sites. By doing so, you can show appreciation for the rich cultural heritage of this remarkable country.

In conclusion, with proper planning and awareness, it is safe to travel to Egypt in 2024. So, pack your bags, plan your itinerary, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in this land of wonders.